Hi' well as far as house rules go I think when you both get here it will be one of the first things we decided and agree on. I am easy to try to make it good for ALL of us. The rules will be easy to follow and you can despute to us as a group of three what they will be. Ask your parents what they want from me as a step parent for their child. I will try to abide by their request and my ideals. I don't envee your trip. It will be both exciting and I'm sure very trying. Sleep when you can coming and feel welcome to rest first and formost here before we start our life together. Altho I probly will bug you and forget how really tired you will be. Most part this house is a democracy bassed on all of us and your parents as well.
I can tell already I am not going to do well with your language. Both spoken and written. hope you can teach an old lady some new tricks. We use alot of slang in our counrty which makes it hard for the rest of the world except the spanish speaking countries. I know a little french from high school a millon years ago. and a few words in spanish due to certain jobs I've had. see ya soon and Safe trip and will write back each time you write me. Or if something else comes to mind will be sure to let you know. I will write your parents a short note in the next few days. Am busy today making your room nice clean and comfy I hope. This is the las tike I will make your bed...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!. LOL. love ya.