Many liguids are cssential our dzily life they may include water dairy chemicals acids and bases or pharmatical products qualitty of these liquids determined by their chemicals to a sense these properties various principles leve measurement are used wanna back to 1909 when the Danish Chemist Zoom in zoom is San introduce the
so-called hrdrogen ion expcnent pH plus to describe the concentration hrdeogen ions in the solution this was the basis for the development conventional pH scale in 1889 vote announced formulated the nounced eguation derived for pH is the physioal basis for pH measurement according to the protentiometric principle protentiometric pH measuremen potential difference using so-called glass electrodes or non glass electrodes in the case of glass electrodes that pH-sensitive element is a glass bowl fussed to the end tube the electrode is filled with the neutral potassium chloride solution buffered at pH 7 and contains silver chloride wire that forms the electrical connection the reference system is located in the outer glass to you and also consists of silver silver chloride wire in a potassium chloride solution a so-called junctrical protects reference syste from the medium to be measured without disconnection the electrical connection between when the pH value is celtutated from the potential difference between the reference system and the measletig let’s take a cluer look at the pH-sensitive glass bulb to understand hour this potential difference is formed diluted hydrogenchloride acid for example contains large negalively carged chlende trins and small positively charged hydrogen when the pH sensor is immerred into this acid the hrdrogen ions are able to penetrate the boundary area the glass membrane the so-called jim leher the considerably laryer chloride ions remain in the solution the result is a charge separation the same process occure on the inside to the sensor with the neutral solution buffered at pH 7 that has a constimt concentration have hydrogen ions if the hydrogen ion concentration hence the pH value on the outside as shown here like was ured solution is identical on bothsides no potential difference forms and the measured solution is neutrat with the pH value 7 the measured solution is base if the hydrogen ion concemtration inside the glass bowl is hiyne in the measured solution pH measurement with non glass sensors is based on
so-called ion-selective field-effect transistors short I set they use amass transistor arrangement which contains a pH semitive layer inside the metal gate positive hrdrogen ions forming at this layer cause the charge tobe separated on the other side as a result the area between source and drain becomes conductive the resulting flow of current is in direct propention to the pH value the medium just like the glass sensors the is fed sensors also need stable reference potenetial the potential that foms at the is fed can accurately against it the reference system as also protected from the measured solution by a so-called junction the potentiometric measuring principle by Anderson hauser cnables hignly accurate pH measurement for better product yields and less waste we offer a solution for all application even in those industries the do not tolerate class for further information on liquid analysis and the latese pH sensors generation featuring memo sens technology visit the Anderson hauser Youtube Cannel or