1. Table Creation for Data Store
a. Create a table in MS Excel as following (Column names contain no space) by copy the bellowed table to a worksheet of a Microsoft Excel file.
StudentID Name Major Score Grade Register_date
5331501053 MR. WATCHARAPHON JAIOBUEA IT 50 D 12/5/2014
5331502008 MISS JANJIRA SONWAI ICE 77 B+ 20/5/2014
5331502010 MR. CHAKRIT PHOTAWAN IT 89 A 12/5/2014
5431305053 MR. PRIDCHAWIN SONGHAI IT 65 C+ 7/5/2014
5531301079 MISS ANUCHIDA TONGTE SW 64 C 3/5/2014
5531301085 MISS UNTHICHA JOMIN CE 49 F 20/5/2014
5531305001 MISS KOCHAKORN APINYAWISIT CE 66 C+ 8/5/2014
5531305003 MR. KRORAPOT SANGPAYAP ICE 78 B+ 20/5/2014
a. Set StudentID column to be text.
b. Set studentName to be text.
c. Set score column to be number.
d. Set grade column to be text.
e. Set register_date column to be date
2. Data input
a. Input a new record with this row manually.
5531305004 MR. KORAWIT KAWEE ICE 80 A 8/5/2014
b. Input date with different format (8/5/14, 08/05/2014, 8-5-2014,8-5-2557), show the result.
c. Delete the row bellowed from the table.
5331502010 MR. CHAKRIT PHOTAWAN IT 89 A 12/5/2014
3. Data processing
a. Use Max function to find the highest score.
b. Use MIN function to find the minimum score.
c. Use AVERAGE function to find the average score.
4. Data Output (Making report)
a. Order the list from the most score to the least score for each major.