Rebirth :The author confesses that he"cannot absolutely The(Alabaster"The Lord Buddha taught saying, "All you who are in doubts as to whether or not pragmatic argument: there is a future life had better believe that there is one; that there is another which happiness and misery can be felt. It is better to believe this then otherwise, for if the heart believes in future life it will abandon sin and act existence, virtuously; and even if there is no resurrection such a life will bring a good name, and the regard of men. But those who believe in extinction at death will not fail to commit any sin that they may choose because of their disbelief in a future; and if they they will be at disadvantage there should happen to be a future after will be like travelers without provision. (Alabaster 1871:42) "If we were to believe that death is annihilation, we should be at loss to account for the existence of mankind." (Alabaster 1871:40) "This story is an old one, handed down from the days of the Buddha, and people