somewhat larger than in the first one and there are also differences
in the relative abundances of the catechins extracted by ethanol,
dichloromethane and mixtures containing ethanol in relation to
the other solvent extractors. The relative abundance of EGCG is
greater than EGC which is greater than EC for all solvent mixtures
extracting more than minimal amounts of catechins. The individual values of the second crop were higher than those of the first
harvest and a paired t-test was used to verify if the differences
between relative abundances of the two harvests are indeed significant. The results of the paired t-test showed no significant difference at the 95% level of the relative abundances from
chromatographic peak area data for the three catechins of these
two harvests. Therefore, all their values were analyzed together
as function of the extraction solvent composition to optimize the
catechin extractions