Geriatric-Focused Collaborative Rounds were initiated in
August 2014 on the TTU. Collaborative Rounds provide
a standardized approach to coordinate care among the
interdisciplinary team, including the trauma team, case
management, physical therapy, occupational therapy,
and nutrition. Geriatricians were included in rounds to
provide collaboration and recommendations on geriatric
trauma patients. In addition, a GRN also attends rounds
to increase focus and provide input on geriatric issues
or concerns. Geriatric considerations in Collaborative
Rounds include early mobilization, orthostasis, medication
changes, pain control, nutrition, delirium prevention
and recognition, family concerns, and disposition. Each
care concern is addressed and discussed among the team
to determine required interventions and also develop a
plan of care for the patient. Contribution from all disciplines
assists with transitioning the patient to the next
level of care.