One hundred and sixty seven taxa, belonging to 35 genera and
three classes were recorded. The composition of the diatoms
group changed spatially and temporally. The planktonic
centric diatoms Cyclotella spp., especially C. ocellata, and
Aulacoseira spp, dominated the epipelon community in the
studied area. The pinnate diatom Fragilaria construens was
second dominance. Synedra acus was more abundant along
Ismailia Canal and at stations 9 and 10 of Suez branch.
Cyanobacteria were represented by Chroococcus limneticus
Lemm. at station 8. The chlorococcal taxa Pediastrum simplex
Meyen and Scenedesmus ecornis (Ehren.) Chod. were dominants
at stations 12 and 16, respectively.