Watson’s model can best be described in terms of the nursing metaparadigm. When
describing nursing, Watson proclaims that caring is the “moral ideal” (1988, p.54). She explains
that contact between two human beings can help the ill discover new knowledge that will assist
with recovery and promote harmony. The nurse is involved in a partnership with the patient in
the caring process in which the goal is intersubjectivity. Watson explains that because nursing is
a human science, there are important moral, spiritual and metaphysical components and we can
use our spirits to relate to others (Watson, 1988). In describing the person, Watson believes that
the person has three elements within them which are the mind, body and soul, all of which are
influenced by the self. A person is both a physical being and a spiritual being, with an individual
experience and existence. She describes a person as, “the experiencing or perceiving organism.