Rice-straww as ensiledw ith a 5-6% ureas olutionf or 3 weeks
beforeb eingf ed. Cattlef ed with urea-ensiledri ces trawa lone
canm aintainw eight.H owevert,o obtaina dailyw eightg aino f
300-450g in HolsteinF riesianh eifers( 8-12 monthso ld)fed
with urea-ensiledri ces traw it is necessaryto supplemenwt ith
some form of concentrate.
Rysstrooiis ingekuiml et'n 5-6% ureumo plossing3 weke
voordatd it gevoeri s. Beestew at alleenlikm et die ureumgekuilde
rysstrooi gevoer is, het hul gewig behou. Dit was egter nodig
om die ureum-gekuildrey sstrooai ant e vul met'n vormv an
konsentraaotm 'n daaglikseg ewigstoenamvea n 300-450g in
HolsteinF riesvers(e8 -12 maandeo udlte verkry.
Keyrarord: sR ices traw,u r ea-enslei d,s up plementatino,