Wang Qiang clever sitting on the ground, moved does not dare to move.
But at this moment, Chu Feng is a heavy line of forehead.
If trades to do is the common female, like the seductively attractive girl so, most is a vixen.
But, the seductively attractive girl is not common female, her face at this moment is fierce, is one must eat the devil of person simply.
„Ha, Wang Qiang is quite miserable, I quite sympathize with him.” Eggy claps to exclaim over, in the World Spirit space, funny ha straight happy.
Although on her mouth said sympathizes with Wang Qiang, however her performance, where sympathizes with Wang Qiang, clearly watches the fun does not dislike the matter to be big.
But Chu Feng, then sympathizes with Wang Qiang , at heart saying silently: „Brother, sorry, was I have wrongly perceived this seductively attractive girl.”
„You endure, if there is an opportunity, certainly leads you to escape from the evil clutches of this seductively attractive girl.”
Afterward, the seductively attractive girl starts the lineup, but Chu Feng also once again started the auxiliary role.
Just, this formation just opened, that moonlight immortal spirit flower, then bloomed the strange ray.
„It is not good.”
Sees this appearance, the seductively attractive girl did not shout immediately darkly well, hurried other to arrange Formation, wanted to receive that moonlight immortal spirit flower.
But also but, does not need seductively attractive girl that formation, to cover that moonlight immortal spirit flower, that moonlight immortal spirit flower then suddenly explodes.
Because the moonlight immortal spirit flower is away from Wang Qiang to be too near, that fierce ripples, are fly directly the Wang Qiang bang, when falls to the ground, is the whole body is the blood, fell into the stupor.
„Damn.” Sees this one, Chu Feng is also in great surprise, subconscious then wants to plunder to Wang Qiang, therapy for it.
However, in Chu Feng is going to leave, the central area of that explosion, suddenly presented a huge suction.
Decides the item to look that there opened a space front door.
Stars everywhere, radiant incomparable, that mammoth, is simply beyond description.
That is one vast to the limitless space, is containing many world, innumerable lives.
„Is it possible that is this gate of starry sky?” Chu Feng is startled eyeful, whatever since martial cultivation, he has seen the innumerable marvelous sights, is the present all, makes him exclaim in surprise as before that this absolutely is Chu Feng until now, has seen the most magnificent scene.
„The gate of starry sky, to it, should not be attracted, otherwise is very difficult to run away, if, meets the starry sky storm, must die without doubt.” Seductively attractive girl is fears Chu Feng to approach, the loud reminder said intentionally.
Listened to seductively attractive girl such saying, Chu Feng was also backs up several steps, was far away from the gate of that starry sky as far as possible.
However suddenly, Chu Feng is at present one bright, she discovered in gate of entrance that starry sky, a piece of strange energy body, slowly is fluttering to the gate of deep place starry sky.
That energy body, is the energy body in moonlight immortal spirit flower.
Energy body of fluttering, is hard to catch, that is the strength of Source, can let World Spirit promotes to cultivate for the strength.
But the center of that piece of energy body, the ray body of pearl size, that is the strength of Formation, can let Wang Qiang, becomes the Immortal-cloak World Spiritist key, is that ray body.
Now, that ray body, already no longer wild, what remaining is only the strength of pure Formation.