Baseline and peri-operative variables were compared between the pre- and postimplementationperiods. Chi-squared tests or, if necessary, exact tests were used to comparecategorical variables, and independent-samples t-tests were used to compare continuous(normally distributed) variables.The feasibility of the enforced mobilisation protocol was evaluated by calculating thepercentage of patients who were able to walk the prescheduled distance on postoperative day1. Patients were categorised by the type of surgery they received: colorectal, liver,oesophageal, stomach and other.Regression analyses were performed to estimate pre- and post-implementationdifferences in the outcome measures, adjusting for co-variables that changed the regressioncoefficient of the outcome measure by 10% or more [18]. LOS in days was log transformedbecause of a non-normal distribution.As the enforced mobilisation protocol did not appear to be feasible for patientsfollowing oesophageal resection (see Results), secondary analyses were performed with thesepatients excluded. Pre- and post-implementation differences in the outcome measures wereestimated for the remaining group, consisting of patients who underwent colorectal, liver,stomach and ‘other’ surgery.P<0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. Data were analysed usingStatistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 18.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).
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