Abstract.The project design exhibition To promote tourism community eco-tourism (Eco-tourism) province. Objective to study the exhibition design of learning. To promote tourism community eco-tourism (Eco-tourism) and exhibition design tourism as well as various media used to promote the exhibition. The target audience is the tourists, both the Thais and the rate of the nation. In the operation research research related information. Exhibition design and media relations The process to analyze the thinking process in solving problems of exhibition design and media publicity of the exhibition. To promote tourism, community conservation can also form works. At the creation of the concept of people see the value of nature. And using the right วิที will lead to sustainable conservation. The inspiration from the nature of the forest. Streams of water gives life to every department for everything. And bring the ageing suit used space exhibition. Swamp park place, which is the source of people who love in health. And the nature of the park, surrounded by green trees and pond water led to large exhibition designerSummary of project design, exhibition and public relations for design exhibition To promote tourism community eco-tourism (Eco-tourism) of Nong Khai in design exhibition consists of logo. Boot within all 11 booth, comprises A-1 restaurant A-2 stage A-3 Information A-4 souvenir shop B-1 Eco B-2 tourism community. B-3 photo exhibition of his ทสม child king and sufficiency economy B-4 sand sculpture และจิตรกรรมฝาผนัง B-5 Museum include old and old Nong Khai. B-6 coffee shop. The entrance facade, 2 supervision work includes sign zone label parking sign points on the train, signs point on the boat. The media design consists of 1 brochure, poster, flyer, 1 2
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