The balanced scorecard and strategy map are techniques used primarily by top and upper-level managers. Lower-level managers focus on the performance of people at the department level, who must meet goals and standards if the organization is to attain its overall goals. Although lower-level managers may use any of the control systems listed earlier in Exhibit 11.4, the reward system is often of paramount concern at the supervisory level.
There are two different approaches to evaluating and controlling team or individual performance and allocating rewards. One approach focuses primarily on how people do their jobs, whereas the other focuses primarily on the outcomes people produce. Behavior control is based on manager observation of employee actions to see whether the individual follows desired procedures and performs tasks as instructed. Do people get to work on time? Do they stay focused on their tasks or spend a lot of time socializing with colleagues? Do they dress appropriately for the job? Do they perform their jobs according to established methods or supervisor instructions? With behavior control, managers provide heavy supervision and monitoring, pay attention to the methods people use to accomplish their jobs, and evaluate and reward peOple based on specific criteria, which might include areas such as appearance, punctuality, skills, activities, and so forth.