Pathogenicity test was performed
according to modified procedure of Grogan et al. (1975).
Pots of 8cm diameter and 11cm deep were filled with 350
g soil per pot that was sterilized at 45°C for 24 h in hot air
oven. Conidial suspension of 4 x 105 conidia mL-1 was
prepared by using the protocol of French & Hebert
(1982). Three seeds of selected varieties were sown in
pots and thinned to one plant per pot after 20 days. One
month old chili plants were sprayed with adjusted spore
suspension. Control received same quantity of distilled
water. The plants were kept covered with polythene bags
for 48 hours. Greenhouse temperature ranged from 28°C
to 30°C and watered when required. Each treatment was
replicated five times. Disease rating scale was developed
for the estimation of disease severity. Disease incidence
was observed as the symptoms appeared on the plant and
disease index was calculated using formula: