• Floodplains: We chose five land cover types for floodplains:
“Permanently” (Perm) flooded and “Temporarily”
flooded woody vegetation (Tmp), and “Low Mangroves”
(Mang), “Swamp vegetation” (Sw), and “Raphia” (Palmaceae)
(Raph). The flooded woody vegetation consists of forests that are inundated during both acquisition dates
or only in the high water image. The Low Mangroves are
located along the coast and inland along the river, and are
primarily Black Mangroves (Avicennia germinans). The
plants are short and dense and usually cover the region like
a carpet along the intertidal zones. “Swamp vegetation”
(Sw) refers to a variety of floodplain vegetation ranging
from low grass and shrubs to low density woody plants
that are waterlogged for most of the year. “Raphia” (Palmaceae)
(Raph) forests are scattered primarily along lake
edges and river basins far from the coast.