Mirror, Mirror, Mr. Mirror,
please stop saying that I'm the fairest of all,
as the others' thorny stares are closing in on me.
yasashii furi shita kanojo ga
suteki na bansan motenasatta
sotto kuchi ni fukumu to "emi"
Acting nice and gentle,
she prepared for me a wonderful dinner.
As soon as I took my bite, she smirked...
usureyuku ishi no naka de yume o mite'ru
itsuka no otogibanashi toki ga tomaru
As my consciousness fades, I start having a dream about
a fairy tale I read in the past. My time has frozen.
onegai kisu de me o samashite hoshii no
shiroi hitsugi kara tsuredasu you ni
tsukisasaru nikushimi wa doramateki na jijou
inotte mo kimi wa mada konai
Please, I wish you would wake me up with your kiss,
and bring me out from this white coffin I'm sleeping in.
Piercing hatred is such a drama-like thing,
but no matter how much I pray, you my prince are still not here.
kagami yo kagami yo kagami-san
nekutai makase ya hoho ni aisatsu suru kara
netami o kawarete shimatta
Mirror, Mirror, Mr. Mirror,
simply by tying your tie or giving you a peck on the cheek,
I ended up stirring up others' jealousy.
nanatsu no kobito wa iru kedo
tasukeru soburi shiranpuri ne
sotto kubi o tsukamare "emi"
There's also a 7-year-old little kid,
but he turned a blind eye to my asking for his help,
and instead quietly laid his hands around my neck and smirked.
hitotsubu no namida sae mo nuguenakute
kokyuu mo mamanaranai shikai useta
Unable even to wipe my tears away,
and unable to control my breathing, I blacked out.
kiesou da kara hayaku kakete hoshii no
wake wa kikanaide kotaerarenai
nozomanai nikumare wa fukai ai no jijou
mou sugu de inaku naru no ka na
I'm about to fade from this world, so please hurry here for me.
Don't ask my why, because I can't answer that.
I received a lot more detest than love.
In a little while longer, am I going to disappear for real?
togirete'ku inochi no oto
doku-ringo o shokushita shoujo no you ni
nemuri ni tsuku
My pausing sounds of life,
like a girl who has ingested a poison apple,
are falling into a slumber.
onegai kisu de me o samashite hoshii no
mune no naka no koe todokimasu ka
kaidan o nobottara doa o akeru dake de
mitsukaru yo aa
Please, I wish you would wake me up with your kiss.
Is the voice of my heart reaching you at all?
If you can just climb up the stairs and open the door,
you'll be able to find me there. Ah...
onegai kisu de me o samashite hoshii no
shiroi hitsugi kara tsuredasu you ni
tsukisasaru nikushimi wa doramateki na jijou
inotte mo kimi wa mada konai
Please, I wish you would wake me up with your kiss,
and bring me out from this white coffin I'm sleeping in.
Piercing hatred is such a drama-like thing,
but no matter how much I pray, you my prince are still not here.
kiete shimau sono mae ni
Before I fade away completely...