In this paper, we evaluate two heterogeneous systems incorporating WiFi and VLC. Our goal is to provide a proof of concept for the coexistence between these two communication bands. Within a short distance between the transmitter and the receiver, the hybrid VLC could perform much better than the WiFi system in the crowded wireless environment. As a complementary technique, VLC deserves further investigation. However, on the one hand WiFi infrastructures are prevalent and highly acceptable by most consumers; on the other hand, WiFi may out perform VLC in the case of long-distance data transmission or the existence of obstacles. We have also proven through theoretical analysis that the aggregated system is capable of providing better network performance than that of the non aggregated system for most delay-sensitive applications. Therefore, we conclude that the aggregation between WiFi and VLC is worthy of further study, to effectively utilize the aggregated bandwidth and to lower the network delay. For future work, we intend to apply aggregation on the hybrid VLC system. To resolve the challenges of optical up link in our implemented aggregated system, an approach that in tegratesthe symmetric WiFi only link and the asymmetric hybrid VLC link merits investigation. Another direction for future research is to investigate the issues related to the spatial reuse of VLC links. This requires the utilization of multiple VLC front-ends. Embedding the optimal traffic allocation algorithm into the aggregated WiFi– VLC system and a comparative study between the theoretical analysis and the experimental measurements are also among our future work. Given the benefits and results described in this work, VLC is a promising and evolutionary wireless technology that offers valuable contributions as part of next-generation heterogeneous wireless networks.
VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKIn this paper, we evaluate two heterogeneous systems incorporating WiFi and VLC. Our goal is to provide a proof of concept for the coexistence between these two communication bands. Within a short distance between the transmitter and the receiver, the hybrid VLC could perform much better than the WiFi system in the crowded wireless environment. As a complementary technique, VLC deserves further investigation. However, on the one hand WiFi infrastructures are prevalent and highly acceptable by most consumers; on the other hand, WiFi may out perform VLC in the case of long-distance data transmission or the existence of obstacles. We have also proven through theoretical analysis that the aggregated system is capable of providing better network performance than that of the non aggregated system for most delay-sensitive applications. Therefore, we conclude that the aggregation between WiFi and VLC is worthy of further study, to effectively utilize the aggregated bandwidth and to lower the network delay. For future work, we intend to apply aggregation on the hybrid VLC system. To resolve the challenges of optical up link in our implemented aggregated system, an approach that in tegratesthe symmetric WiFi only link and the asymmetric hybrid VLC link merits investigation. Another direction for future research is to investigate the issues related to the spatial reuse of VLC links. This requires the utilization of multiple VLC front-ends. Embedding the optimal traffic allocation algorithm into the aggregated WiFi– VLC system and a comparative study between the theoretical analysis and the experimental measurements are also among our future work. Given the benefits and results described in this work, VLC is a promising and evolutionary wireless technology that offers valuable contributions as part of next-generation heterogeneous wireless networks.
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