I have found that I was pleased with my development concerning language and critical thinking as a result of engagement in the cultural perspectives established in the class for four months. An extension of the interests in learning cultural dimension affects directly toward a ‘real world’ challenges of English teaching. The basic assumptions of language learning were merely focused on the accuracy and fluency of the language use and form in the past. The notion of cultural discussion is not particularly induced in the foreign or second language classroom practice if we compare the past situation with the current trend. In other words, language teachers are motivated to formulate their teaching with reference to political aspects of life. Similarly, according to Pennycook (1990), the language use had been connected to the process of language learning and teaching. That is language learning is intimately linked to the maintenance of social inequalities. Nonetheless, the concept of language teaching may not be based only on the traditional perspectives on Second Language Acquisition (SLA) but also on classroom practice, social, cultural and language socialization.