phone call with be in your control and there will be no waste of time. It’s also a good idea to briefly practice in your mind what you are going to say, as this will also help to create a good first impression. There can be nothing worse that calling someone or answering an important call and you not being sure what you want to say.
2. Sit upright and clear you voice – Ask the class why they think this is important. The reason we say that is because body language plays a very important role in the way we behave. Since we cannot see the person on the other side of the call, we tend to take it for granted that we can sit anyhow and speak to them. Take for example, have you seen anyone make an important business call lying down on the bed or sofa….NO, it’s the way our body responds to our actions and we react accordingly. The reason we also clear our throat, is because we don’t want to sound unclear when we first start speaking over the phone. Remember first impression is the last impression. It’s also quite rude to excuse yourself very often to clear your throat during a conversation. Well it’s a different thing that you have a cold or a cough, but then in that case inform the caller that you are down with a cough and excuse yourself when you clear your throat.
3. Remember to be polite and make sure you leave your contact with a good impression – Ask the class why is it important to leave the caller with a good impression. These are basics of telephone handling skills and being polite is one of them. This is easier said than done, because it may happen that you are busy all day and also maybe you are having a not so good day and you still have to make this phone call or receive this call, one still has to maintain their decorum (behavior, dignity and personality) and be polite at all times. Most people make the mistake that just because they cannot see the other person, they can pretend to speak politely, but not behave so. Unfortunately, this shows in your voice. The key to a successful phone call is to make your caller feel good about the conversation after it’s done.
4. Be warm, friendly and consistent – again easy to say but difficult to practice all the time. Remember if you are in a department where you depend on the phone a lot for work, you will have to treat every phone call differently. Every phone call is an opportunity for