Hello my dear friend,
Thanks a lot for your email and i really appreciate all the true love you showed to me in this transaction. i am thankful for your serious effort so far to have being able to arrange this whole process with the security company. There is nothing to worry about my dear partner all you have to do is for you to scan copy of your identity either passport or any other valid ID card and send it to the security company.
OK my dearest friend, I will be waiting to hear the good news from you the date and time the trunk box will be delivered to your safe address. I just can't wait for that great day to come when i shall meet you face to face, but one thing i am very sure of about that day is that, it will be the greatest day of my life because this will mark the end all pains and a new beginning of better life for me.
Please keep me posted as we progress. Bye for now and remain blessed.
For ever i remain your best friend and partner,
Alelu Tuason Arroyo