ransparency proved to be more important, and results were checked with Focal T120TDX (prototype with aluminium phase plug). Most of the differences noted between the capacitors are in the domain of HF transparency and timing. It is interesting to recall the first serious capacitor test for audiophiles used the legendary Onken tweeter beloved of Japanese tube-o-philes. The capacitors were tested in series 'coupling' positions, parallel anode positions for local power supply bypass, and cathode bypass (bass bandwidth limiting) position.
In the series 'signal path' position (the whole amplifier is signal path, but readers should know what is commonly meant by 'signal path' in the garbled syntax of audio journal speech), immediately the Mundorf connection is apparent by the similarity to recent review items that were fully M-capped. The aluminium Cicada examples have the same etched clarity as the MCAP (a metalised polypropylene type), rather like the tinkly emphasis of many moving coil cartridges. Percussion stick noise is explicit and impressive in a hi-fi manner. They're similar to Infinicaps and Hovland Musicaps in this respect too. However, the Cicada aluminium foil types are generally better than any of those three plastic ranges. The etched quality of the former three is as though an outline of an image is etched onto crystal glass overlaid upon the same image printed opaque on photopaper. The Musicap and Infinicap add emphasis to the outline, or its musical equivalent, the envelope, but is never perfectly registered. The Cicada aluminium capacitors are much less pronounced in this effect, but it is still present, and they are an improvement on the Mundorf in this respect too.
ransparency พิสูจน์สำคัญ และผลลัพธ์ถูกตรวจสอบกับ T120TDX โฟกัส (ต้นแบบ ด้วยอลูมิเนียมเฟสปลั๊ก) ส่วนใหญ่ของความแตกต่างระหว่างตัวเก็บประจุไว้ในโดเมนของ HF ความโปร่งใสและการกำหนดเวลาได้ เป็นที่น่าสนใจเพื่อยกเลิกการทดสอบตัวเก็บประจุอย่างจริงจังครั้งแรกสำหรับ audiophiles ใช้ในตำนาน Onken ทวีตเตอร์รักของญี่ปุ่นท่อ-o-philes ตัวเก็บประจุทดสอบในชุด 'coupling' ตำแหน่ง ข้ามตำแหน่งขั้วขนานสำหรับไฟภายใน และตำแหน่งข้ามแคโทด (เบสแบนด์วิธจำกัด)In the series 'signal path' position (the whole amplifier is signal path, but readers should know what is commonly meant by 'signal path' in the garbled syntax of audio journal speech), immediately the Mundorf connection is apparent by the similarity to recent review items that were fully M-capped. The aluminium Cicada examples have the same etched clarity as the MCAP (a metalised polypropylene type), rather like the tinkly emphasis of many moving coil cartridges. Percussion stick noise is explicit and impressive in a hi-fi manner. They're similar to Infinicaps and Hovland Musicaps in this respect too. However, the Cicada aluminium foil types are generally better than any of those three plastic ranges. The etched quality of the former three is as though an outline of an image is etched onto crystal glass overlaid upon the same image printed opaque on photopaper. The Musicap and Infinicap add emphasis to the outline, or its musical equivalent, the envelope, but is never perfectly registered. The Cicada aluminium capacitors are much less pronounced in this effect, but it is still present, and they are an improvement on the Mundorf in this respect too.
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