Mango juice samples after centrifugation and filtration
(0.2 μm) were stored at 50 °C before analysis.The reducing sugars (g/100mL)were measured by HPLC(Shimadzu HPLC,Class-VP software version 6.1)according to the method of Chavez-Ser-
vin, Castellote,and Lopez-Sabater(2004), using a carbohydrate ES
column (Prevail,1504.6 mm2). The column was eluted at 25 °C
with a degassed mobile phase containing a mixture of acetonitrile
and water(78:22)at a flow rate of 0.5mL/min(isocratic mode).All
the compounds were detected with an evaporative light scattering
detector.Samples were analysed in duplicate for each mango juice
replicate(n¼4). The identification and quantification of sugars
were achieved by using retention time and standard curves of pure
sugar compounds(Sigma-Aldrich, St.Louis,MO,USA).