On that fateful day I traveled out to buy some desing for sale because I did not have a gallery of my own at that time. I was suppose to return in about 5 days interval but the art makers where not having much to sell so decided to come back home and I got the idea from my counsellor that I can meet someone really special on the internet because his friends got married and settle down with someone from the site and they both live happily in Australia at present and I was interedtes and he directed me on how to go about it but to my greatest surprise i had not spent up to a week and I already found a woman who has the guality of a real woman which ended up to be you and I keep praying to God that you should love me with all your heart and do not have double mind for our relationship. I hope i have not bored you with my long story.
You shall find out more that was not included on this story when I visit ken sends his greetings
I adore you and love you