Having expectations of life’s pleasures in the open fields, Zitkala-Sa soon learns that what she is to receive, is a life lesson. Being different in the eyes of other’s, she is subjected to the cruelties and ridicule of the white man’s world. She is looked upon as one of the outsiders.
It all started as soon as she boarded the “Iron Horse”. This was the beginning of a journey that would forever hold a memory of the rudeness and curiosity of people. While traveling on the train, she was stared at by men and women alike because she was different in their eyes. Having a style of clothing, not familiar to them caught their attention. Another thing that was noticed, she was traveling alone, with no parental presence. Because of the different style of clothing worn, the other young children pointed and glared at her. The other adults also stared with rude curiosity, at the blanket she was carrying.
Surviving her journey was only the first part of this life lesson, arriving at the school started yet another chapter. She was afraid and alone. Standing in a room filled with bright lights and people scurrying around at the sight of the new arrivals, she hugged the wall for safety. All the strange customs being forced upon her were overwhelming and frightening to a young girl she wished for the comfort of her mother or the companionship of her brother, but these would not be found, only the grasp of a stranger, lifting her off the ground. She was led to a row of narrow beds, where she cried herself to sleep.
The next day would bring yet another shock, the morning meal was an experience not to be forgotten. As described by Zitkala-Sa, it reminded me of the movie, Oliver twist. After breakfast, yet another custom was to be experienced; the haircut. Her long, thick braids were lopped off, making her feel like a coward.
Her story makes me recall my years as a student in the catholic school system. All the boys wore the same ...