Because in the last week without classes. But we were given the task of writing comments videos. And preparation for presentation in the story about what has been learned from this subject. I and the members dispersed to different parts of the same work that was assigned before. Comments for this video, we have a lot of comments. It takes a long time to work with me.
I need to work more actively. I need to take the time out to do more work. I have videos of my comments. I have seen a lot of improvement from the last video. For a video overview of the past, each group has developed in a good way. In terms of content, presentation-quality picture and sound. But there may be more problems in the system of sounds in each group. Comments are adopting ideas from the improvements. Apply in the workpiece, the workpiece out satisfactorily.
After we have dispersed work on the part of the waist is finished.
We began the important work For the second task is to prepare the presentation. This piece is about what we've been after this course. We started by brainstorming the group members. I took the idea from reading the Journal of itself to the first week of classes. The guidelines are presented to the members of the group. After we get the concept of the individual, we bring together to write a presentation. By following the requirements of the faculty. We have to work together as a system division. Try out the most interesting and creative performance. To meet the requirements The format and content of this work in the first fails. Probably due to the fact that we sort of story is not as interesting. And repetitive in content Because after we finished writing the story we all analyzed Ignatius times. First, it makes us see the error in the workpiece. After the error, then we have to work, then amended and restated. To be clear, concise and relevant content. We chose a topic that is thought to happen to all groups. Topics that our group chose to present the problem and the solution. We hope that this offer because. We think that it is a course that must happen to all groups. It requires analysis. And do the best.
This works best for what I want. I think not to think or to create a storyline. And placing content. After this presentation that was presented to the class. And a presentation in English to communicate. For me, it is tough to come. But I will try my best. This presentation and asked to go well.