3.5. Effect of development and temperature on PUFA
The contribution of PUFA to percent lipid content showed an overall pattern of creasing during development by ~8% from fertilization to hatching (Fig. 2C), and a significant interaction between development stage and temperature occurred (Table 2). Of the PUFA, percent contribution of 18:2(n-6 t), 18:3(n-3), and 20:2(n-6) fatty acids to percent lipid content was significantly influenced by development stage (Table 2). Percent contribution of 18:2(n-6t) and 18:3(n-3) was ~9% and ~17% lower, respectively, at hatching compared to the other developmental stages, while 20:2(n-6) gradually decreased by 21% during development (Table 3). 18:3(n-3) was also significantly lower at
1.8 °C compared to 8.0 °C (Table 4). In contrast, percent contribution of 22:6(n-3) to percent lipid content increased by ~19% during development and was higher at 1.8 °C compared to 4.9 °C and 8.0 °C. 18:3(n-4), 20:4(n-6), 20:5(n-3) and 22:5(n-3) were all significantly affected by the interaction between development stage and temperature. Percent contribution of 18:3(n-4) was significantly reduced at 1.8 °C compared
to 8.0 °C at hatching, and 20:4(n-6) was significantly higher at 1.8 °C compared to 8.0 °C at hatching, but no temperature differences were