Greetings from me to you wishing you and your love ones a pleasant sleep and also wish that all your heart desire be fulfilled by the most high and also keep you in good health all the days of your life i say Amen to that.Baby i must tell you the truth that I got all you want in a man and you are the kind of woman am looking for, i believe we can work it out in less than know time.
Though it is right for us to learn from our past mistakes. Which makes one resisting and having hard time trusting someone again in his life.. I guess you might be imagining the type of person i am as a human being well i have been told that i am a unique individual, my view and opinions in life are quite different from most. I believe that i cannot change the past, but i most definitely can make the future my past relationship is a hell night mere. Now, I am blessed with a second chance to life which has shown me that life is a gift and i must cherish every moment of it, good, bad or indifferent. I believe in fate and destiny and have always been in search of something that I'm quite not sure exists.. then came you. It is so amazing how i feel about you. I feel like i could never get enough of you.
The understanding of speechlessness is oh this is real to me, for you have been able to knock the wind from my chest. The thought of you has consumed my every waking hour.Please i have to stop here cos i don't want to write you a long message again.Take care of yourself and have a