Mission :- Listens to and analyses the requirements of the customers Informs the customer of and valorizes the technical and economic aspects of the product. He manages the marketing approach by ensuring an internal feedback of the information received during his contacts with the customers. Participates in project teams in order to explain and defend the customers viewpoint in terms of quality, costs, and delivery times and in order to satisfy their technical requirements. Analyses the competitors positions. Is responsible to set up, in collaboration with his team, the company Mid Term Plan in terms of Sales strategy, Customer portfolio and Sales Targets. Manages the sales teeam. Coordinates sales activity with the company Head Quarter in Japan. Main responsibilities:- Is responsible for the turnover and its evolution for the customer for the perimeter of the company he depends of or in the region where he is posted. Is responsible for the preparation of the budget for the customer he is in charge of, in the perimeter of the Division he depends of or in the region where he is posted. Ensures that the customers requirements are all identified and well understood by the project teams of the Division he depends of or in the region he is in charge of. Determines with the Sales Manager the sales price objectives according to his knowledge of the market and market situation. Selects the interfaces and organizes the integration between the project team members and the differen Reporting relationship:- Reporting: Hierarchically to Company President. Functionally to the Head Quarter Sales Director Managing people: All staff in sales department hierarchically report to him