As considerable inconsistencies are found in the literature regarding the influence of roasting andsubsequent operations on the ochratoxin A (OTA) content of green coffee, experiments wereundertaken to assess the evolution of OTA along an industrial soluble coffee manufacturing line.Both the variability and the amount of OTA naturally present in a lot of Thai Robusta green coffeewere drastically reduced during soluble coffee manufacture. A small proportion of OTA waseliminated during green coffee cleaning, but the most significant reduction took place during roasting.The roast and ground coffee contained only 16% of the OTA originally present in the green coffee.Two phenomena are responsible for the elimination of OTA during roasting: a thermal degradationand a removal with chaff. Thermal degradation is the most important route of elimination, with<20% accounted for by the chaff. A further 20% reduction was observed during soluble coffeemanufacture, so that the powder contained only 13% of the OTA initially present in the green beans.
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