The initial step
in dealing with diversity issues is to determine the species
present in a particular area and to obtain baseline quantitative
population data. To achieve this, accurate, analytical
systems for qualitative and quantitative sampling
of the diversity must be in place.
Historically, determining the species diversity of fungi
in an ecosystem has been complicated by our inability
to culture many fungi, the ephemeral nature of sporocarp
production, and intraspecific variation in fungal
morphology and biochemistry (Barrett 1987). As a
result, the number of fungal species and the biochemical
functions that can be attributed to them have been
difficult to establish. To determine the significance of the
species and genetic diversities of fungi adequately and to
assign functional importance to specific fungi require
increased understanding of several aspects of fungal
The initial stepin dealing with diversity issues is to determine the speciespresent in a particular area and to obtain baseline quantitativepopulation data. To achieve this, accurate, analyticalsystems for qualitative and quantitative samplingof the diversity must be in place.Historically, determining the species diversity of fungiin an ecosystem has been complicated by our inabilityto culture many fungi, the ephemeral nature of sporocarpproduction, and intraspecific variation in fungalmorphology and biochemistry (Barrett 1987). As aresult, the number of fungal species and the biochemicalfunctions that can be attributed to them have beendifficult to establish. To determine the significance of thespecies and genetic diversities of fungi adequately and toassign functional importance to specific fungi requireincreased understanding of several aspects of fungalbiology
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