In summary, 60 percent of the managers had written job descriptions for positions, required applicants to submit
application letters, required new staff to take medical examinations and provided new staff with appointment
letters, but did not require applicants to fill application forms. Also, the majority of the managers who provided
appointment letters included duties and responsibilities, job titles, salaries and benefits, SSNIT contributions and
probationary periods, but the majority did not include leave entitlements in the appointment letters.
Respondents were asked questions on training and development. Table 6 presents results in relation to training
and development. The table indicates that 26 (43.3%) of the managers reported that they sometimes provide
training and development programmes for their employees while about 3 percent reported that they rarely
provide training and development programmes for their employees. Further, 73.3 percent of the managers
reported that they determined training needs of employees through job evaluation while 10 percent reported that
it was determined through skill test.