By January 2008, more than 300,000 independent developers were using AWS . Alan Taylor, a former Amazon developer and the creator of Amazon Light was one of them. His website offers only a simple search box for finding and buying any product available on After clicking on the selected product, the web surfer sees the picture of the product and information about it, its price, consumers' advice and naturally, the ability to purchase it on-line. This is nothing out of the ordinary, but closer inspection reveals functionalities that are not available on Amazon's site. For instance, until 2007, it was possible when searching for a DVD to check whether the movie was also available for rent on the Netflix website, the leader of video- on-demand in the U.S. Likewise, when searching for a CD, it was possible with one single click to check if it could be downloaded from Apple's iTunes platform. For books, Amazon Light also tells the Internet users whether the book they are looking for is available in the bookstore of their choice.