The incidence of twin deliveries of 6.89 per 1,000
live births in the present study was similar to the
previous studies in Thailand, which ranged between
6.08 and 13.22 per 1,000 births(6-11). This number is
close to the previous incidence reported from Europe
and North America which had been stabilized around
1-1.2% of pregnancies (1.9% to 2% of births), but which,
owing to assisted reproduction, has risen to 2.7-2.8%
of births over the past two decades(12). Only a small
number of twins are conceived from assisted reproductive
techniques according to most Thai studies(6-11). All twin
pregnancies at PH were conceived naturally since there
was no assisted reproductive service available. In the
presentour study, there were 14.6 % of twins with
maternal age of more than 35 years old. Beemsterboer,
et al found that the rate of natural twinning peaks at
the age of 37 years(13). The rate of dichorionic and
monochorionic twins were 63.6% and 22.5% in the
present study, respectively which is similar to those
in the previous study(6). The cases of unidentified
chorionicity were high, up to 13.9%. Therefore, we