1) Europe: The European Horizon 2020 Framework Programme,
succeeding European FP7, is running over a 7−years
period from 2014 to 2020. FP7 already addressed many topics
about 5G technologies. METIS (Mobile and wireless communications
Enablers for Twenty-twenty Information Society)
is an FP7 research project coordinated by Ericsson exploring
5G and having a consortium of 29 partners, from telecom
manufacturers and network operators to the automotive industry
and academia [7]. METIS identified some 5G test cases
and scenarios and also addressed so-called horizontal topics
(HTs) to be integrated with technology components. Another
interesting project, among others, is the 5G Innovation Center
(5GIC [8]) which is a leading project supported by many
operators as well as the UK Research Partnership Investment
Fund at the University of Surrey.