Why go with us?>>All Sales are for PILLOW CASE only<<Better looking products reviewed and manufactured by the professional artistsI know some of you artist out there already have a solution for you daki products but from what we’ve seen few of the dakimakura manufacturing companies offer both a high quality product, a larger sized pillow case (7% bigger actually!) and a skilled artist with years of manufacturing experience.Maintain rights to work both digital and for personal printing projects as long as the artwork is not signed exclusively to anyone else.We also know how much it sucks to have to sign away the rights to our work so we’ve decided to let you retain the right to your own work! Doesn’t that already sound great?Free Promotional Dakis for you!If your still on then fence consider this. if you have any of your work hosted on any of those “other” dakimakura sites we’ll toss in 2 pillows for free on your first store feature (heftychest.com & cargosnatch.com) Buy and sell your ownORApply to be on TheHeftyChest
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