All legal and historical facts about the aforesaid organizations as described in the “Briefings C20″ and “Briefings C21″ in this website domain are integral components of the following instructions. It is legally binding in a Joint Tri-Party Agreement that YCT Development Corporation, S.A.V.E. Global Humanitarian Development Foundation/Fund e.V. and P.R.O. 14646 Headquarters – as a Triparty – jointly established YCT Development International Bank and S.A.V.E. Humanitarian Development Bank to carry out the common aspiration and functions required of these two banks which have secured the P.R.O. 14646 HQ assets and quota. The Parties are under the obligation to promote the S.A.V.E. Humanitarian Spirit and in line with its principle objective in the elimination and eradication of poverty of mankind; upgrading quality of life, environment and pollution control; improvement of social welfare, medical and educational system for the citizens and nations worldwide.
To implement and to establish a formal contact, cooperation or a fusion/cooperation agreement with either of any organization or suburbanization mentioned or described in this domain, namely: