Emerald Pool or pond is not a hot spring, but it is cool water that is just heavenly to swim in. The water is replenished by a natural streams running into the pool from freshwater sources on the hill above.
The beginning of this path. Prior to the Emerald Pool Wildlife Sanctuary Koa Pra - Bang Kram about 800 meters and then walk through a small forest. A wild flat low remaining few in the south of Thailand This route will show the nature of tropical rain forest under a true flat. And also the existence of black birds แegyแrngy stomach. Colorful wild birds living in the jumping ground. The establishment of wildlife sanctuaries, he Pra - some blue up
In addition, the forest is also found birds more than 300 species is the amount greater than ever recorded by Conservation different in the south of Thailand and has more than 100 species ever found along the pathway study the nature of this Ekhrepegr bird bird bird, such as green, blue Oporadu Uinpee bulbul birds and squirrels, birds, banana varieties etc.
The emerald pools are certainly not off the beaten track; this is a realization exemplified by the pay parking at the entrance to the pools. It’s a popular spot, especially among local Thais, and for a good reason.
Farangs will have to fork out 200 baht, slightly higher than the 20 baht Thai fare, to enter the National Forest that conceals the pools. Once paid up, take a leisurely 800-meter hike to the first watering hole: the Emerald Pool.
At first glimpse you realize that the pool was aptly named. The clear, green-tinged waters practically glow, changing color slightly throughout the day. Make no mistake, a late afternoon visit will result in the pool being filled with local kids, which is fun in its own way. To get the place all to yourself, sacrifice sleeping in and get there early – visitors start flooding in by 9am. Food and refreshments can be had at the entrance to the park, making it easy to lounge about all day.