3. Results and discussion
3.1. Properties of heat-treated sorghum flour
The proximate analysis of the sorghum flour revealed that the
flour has 10.72% moisture content, 5.96% protein, 3.05% fat, 0.24%
fiber and 1.39% ash. The fiber content appears to be a little low, but
the rest of the proximate analyses are typical numbers found in
sorghum flour (Trappey et al., 2015). Heat treatment had no significant
(p > 0.05) impact on the color parameters (L*, a*, b*) of
sorghum flour. As Catterall (2000) reported, one of the main
weaknesses of heat treating flour is the lack of any bleaching effect.
The study concluded heat treated flour will give a slightly darker
crumb color, yet this negative color defect poses the most concern