The Government of Japan established the ( New IT Reform Strategy (PDF) [decided by the IT Strategy Headquarters on January 19, 2006]) with the goal of raising the percentage of national and local government paperwork such as applications and form submissions performed online to at least 50 percent by FY 2010. Through conversion of such paperwork to electronic form, almost all applications and other forms used by the national government are now available online, and online use is gradually disseminating to the public.
In order to further expand use of online services, the Government set forth the Action Plan for Expanding On-Line Use (decided by the IT Strategic Headquarters on September 12, 2008). The plan works to further expand online use, especially of forms frequently used by the public or by businesses, as well as forms that are repeatedly or continuously used mainly by businesses (priority forms).
Furthermore, the Next-Generation e-Government Infrastructure Study Project Team was established and is looking towards ways to achieve radically streamlined, convenient, and efficient government services for the public and businesses.