Total phenolic compounds detected by the Folin–Ciocalteu colorimetric
method are presented in Table 3. As the antioxidant
capacity of WSE it can be observed that total phenolics (wGA) follow
a similar trend. Results show that at 60 C and 100 C wGA
remains constant for both temperatures over the whole extraction
time period. Also, at these temperatures, the highest amounts of
wGA can be observed, being higher than 115 mg/g extract for the
samples obtained at 100 C and higher than 99 mg/g extract for
the samples obtained at 60 C. At 130 C the content of total phenolics
similarly as ACW decreases with te for all M/S ratios, whereas
at 160 C a decrease of wGA can be observed only until 60 min of
extraction. Afterwards, an increase can be observed, which
indicates, as mentioned earlier in Subsection 3.5, that other types
of phenolics (antioxidants) could have been formed due to hydrothermal
Total phenolic compounds detected by the Folin–Ciocalteu colorimetricmethod are presented in Table 3. As the antioxidantcapacity of WSE it can be observed that total phenolics (wGA) followa similar trend. Results show that at 60 C and 100 C wGAremains constant for both temperatures over the whole extractiontime period. Also, at these temperatures, the highest amounts ofwGA can be observed, being higher than 115 mg/g extract for thesamples obtained at 100 C and higher than 99 mg/g extract forthe samples obtained at 60 C. At 130 C the content of total phenolicssimilarly as ACW decreases with te for all M/S ratios, whereasat 160 C a decrease of wGA can be observed only until 60 min ofextraction. Afterwards, an increase can be observed, whichindicates, as mentioned earlier in Subsection 3.5, that other typesof phenolics (antioxidants) could have been formed due to hydrothermaldegradation.
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