McDonald et al. (1982) reported densities of slimy sculpins
in the range of 0.44–2.58/m2 in rocky littoral areas in Toolik
Lake, Alaska. These densities are similar to those that we
found in the rocky littoral areas not occupied by salmon, but
far below those on the adjacent spawning grounds during peak
spawning (Fig. 1A). Given the high peak sculpin densities observed
on the spawning beach, it seems likely that sculpins
must be arriving from relatively large distances. Significant
sculpin migrations (kilometres) have been noted previously in
relation to the activities of salmon (Reed 1967; McLarney
1967). However, such movements likely increase their risk of predation (Brown 1991). In Iliamna Lake, four major sculpin
predators, lake trout, Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus), burbot
(Lota lota), and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), are present.
On the beaches, sculpins are also accessible to the common
merganser (Mergus merganser) (Sjöberg 1988).