I frowned. “Why make it so complicated? I could just jump over while carrying you two…”
“Damn, are you really that strong?” Dong Cheng Yue’s eyes were full of suspicion.
I could not help but laugh and flexed. “Don’t underestimate me…”
“Fine. Why don’t we try it then?” Wan Er pursed her red lips and smiled. “ Dong Cheng Yue goes first…”
Dong Cheng Yue trembled. “Why do I have to be the lab rat…”
“Are we going to get a midnight snack or not? I’m also hungry. If we wait any longer, I won’t have enough strength to jump over the wall!” I said.
Cheng Yue gave in. “Alright. I’ll go first then…”
I extended my hand toward her. “Hold on tight and don’t fall, Dong Cheng Yue. If you do, it’d be very ugly…”
She nodded, walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. It was a bit close and Wan Er protested a bit from the side but I did not catch what she said.
I wrapped my own arms around Dong Cheng Yue’s slender waist. Tensing myself up, I stepped on the fire hydrant sticking out from the ground and pushed off, soaring to the top of the wall, while slightly unbalanced. I looked outside, away from the school for a second and saw nothing but darkness. But there was just enough light to see that the ground below was not a sewer or something.
I landed softly and tried to put Dong Cheng Yue down. She resisted, whispering in a low voice. “Hug me for a bit longer…”
I glared at her. “Dong Cheng Yue, please don’t. Wan Er’s still on the other side…”