1NF, 2NF and 3NF are normal forms that are used in relational databases to minimize redundancies in tables. 3NF is considered as a stronger normal form than the 2NF, and it is considered as a stronger normal form than 1NF. Therefore in general, obtaining a table that complies with the 3NF form will require decomposing a table that is in the 2NF. Similarly, obtaining a table that complies with the 2NF will require decomposing a table that is in the 1NF. However, if a table that complies with 1NF contains candidate keys that are only made up of a single attribute (i.e. non-composite candidate keys), such a table would automatically comply with 2NF. Decomposition of tables will result in additional join operations (or Cartesian products) when executing queries. This will increase the computational time. On the other hand, the tables that comply with stronger normal forms would have fewer redundancies than tables that only comply with weaker normal forms.