MDG: 2
Achieve Universal Primary Education
The total number of children out of school fell from 106 million to 67 million between 1999 and 2009.
What Do We Want To Achieve?
◾Ensure that all children, boys and girls alike, can complete a full course of primary schooling
What Have We Already Achieved?
◾Between 1999 and 2009, 43 million children worldwide were enrolled in primary education
◾The rate of enrollment in sub-Saharan African has increased from 58 to 76 per cent
◾Some of the most impoverished countries are those that have most advanced the access to universal primary education
What Challenges Remain?
◾There are still 61 million children left to enroll in schooling worldwide and more than half of them live in sub-Saharan Africa
◾The youth illiteracy rate exceeds more than 120 million people worldwide