In conclusion, the author stated that Namport
meets periodically with the representatives of the
fihing industry. When asked about the reluctance
to discharge at the commercial harbour, they cited
the issues of space, hygiene, European Union Code
requirements, poor productivity, and risk to the cold
The author could not fid any reference in Namibian
Law that designates Namport Commercial Port as
the sole point of entry and discharge for foreign
34 UNCTAD Port Management Series - Volume 1
TrainForTrade Port Training Programme 2011 -2013
flgged vessels. Further research could not establish
any legislation vesting similar authority in relation to
Customs and Excise. A reason given by Namport for
the approval requirement is to protect their income
The author raised the issue that by requesting
permission to work at a private berth, and only so
doing on the basis of ad hoc permission, the industry is
investing Namport with authority it was never intended
to have. Moreover, the author found that the current
policy imposed by Namport could be in contravention
of the WTO and GATT Agreement that established
freedom of transit.