Prawn were cultured for 106 days. One day prior to harvest, 20 September
2000, the water levels in each pond were lowered to approximately
0.5 m at the drain end. On the following day, substrates were
removed, and each pond was seined three times with a 1.3-cm squaremesh
seine (3.5mlong1.0mdeep) and then completely drained. Remaining
prawns were manually harvested from the pond bottom, and all
prawns were purged of mud by holding in tanks with flowing water. Total
bulk weight and number of prawns from each pond were recorded. A
random sample of 500 prawn from each pond was then individually
weighed and classified into one of the six previously-described sexual
morphotypes. Mean data from these random samples were then compared;
open (OP) and berried (BE) morphotypes were later combined
into a composite group of sexually mature, reproductive females (RF).
Prawn were cultured for 106 days. One day prior to harvest, 20 September
2000, the water levels in each pond were lowered to approximately
0.5 m at the drain end. On the following day, substrates were
removed, and each pond was seined three times with a 1.3-cm squaremesh
seine (3.5mlong1.0mdeep) and then completely drained. Remaining
prawns were manually harvested from the pond bottom, and all
prawns were purged of mud by holding in tanks with flowing water. Total
bulk weight and number of prawns from each pond were recorded. A
random sample of 500 prawn from each pond was then individually
weighed and classified into one of the six previously-described sexual
morphotypes. Mean data from these random samples were then compared;
open (OP) and berried (BE) morphotypes were later combined
into a composite group of sexually mature, reproductive females (RF).
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