In today's modern-world society, the use of mobile phones in school is highly controversial. With one generation saying that they should not be allowed in school and another generation saying they should be allowed in school, where does one stand? By all means, I believe that the use of a mobile phone can and should be used in school for educational purposes. There is no question in my head that a student should be denied the right to look up some sort of information if he has it right there in his hand. The world today revolves around new technology and inventions; we need to allow our youth to use, grow, and learn from this technology. If we do not give them this access, then how do we move forward? On the other side of the issue, there are people who say the use of a mobile phone should not be allowed for kids will only use them to text, Facebook, and play games. There is no part of me that says this will not happen for outliers always occur, but the major part of me says that if teachers enforce the use of phones in a positive way, the result will benefit. This issue is based upon the perspective of the teacher. I am not saying let these kids constantly have access to their phones (for example, let them use the mobile phone during a lecture), but when the occasion arises that the student needs an alternative informational source, allow the use of a phone. There is absolutely no reason to disallow the use of an information source in the classroom under ordinary circumstances.