First, we would like to mention that the machine is not in excellent condition, mainly due to lack of cleaning and lack of care by the operators.
This Maintenance Plus visit has been executed following our internal check-list, and our evidences are verifiable.
The conclusions of this Maintenance Inspection are free of any conflict of interest, reported in total impartiality and objectivity,
taking into consideration that Technician name give close follow-up on this Press for already several Years.
We were assisted by Name Customer Maintenance Team. These checks are reflecting the actual status & condition of the Press. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that all issues / failures could be reproduced or identified during the allocated time of the visit.
However, after this first ever Maintenance Plus visit, we could identify several issues on this machine. All issues identified, are classified throughout this report in 4 categories:
Risk of breakage
Accuracy and Quality
As Company policy, we have to strongly insist on repairing everything affecting the Safety (Operators & Press) in priority.
We recommend scheduling these repairs, once the required parts are purchased and on site.
Our main concerns are on the mechanical side, as well as the shape of some machine parts, mainly on the Platen Units section.
Some additional normal repairs are recommended as well, like the gear boxes on the platen outlet.
A fair bit of maintenance is recommended on the delivery section.
The timings for repair mentioned throughout this report are fairly accurate. As mentioned in this report, several repairs can be scheduled and undertaken by Name Customer Maintenance.
As this 1st Maintenance Plus in this new form for Name Customer in Asia, we are intending of scheduling a meeting in order to present this consequent Report. Doing so, we will ensure that all points mentioned are clear and action plan can be undertaken.