1. You must keep a composition notebook. This is your data log. All of your data must be written here!
2. You must write in pen. You cannot use white-out! You must cross out mistakes with a single line.
Example: The project was started on Wednesday Thursday.
3. In case there is a mistake on your board, the judges will check this notebook.
4. It does not have to look perfect. It can have rip, tears, and stains. Your writing must be neat!
5. Every experiment must be described in the logbook.
6. All data collected must be in the logbook.
7. All graphs should be copied into the logbook.
8. All data should be in units. Examples are “meters, minutes, temperature, octopus eggs per week.” Graphs must have more than numbers!
9. Every entry must be dated.
10. Do not throw them out after the project; you may need them to continue your project next year!