Elements of Attraction Lecture: ready? OK today Professor: Hello everyone. Are we attraction will talk about three elements of interpersonal that are important in any relationship. If you remember, interpersonal attraction is when a person likes or wants a relationship with another person. When people hear this term, they think of romantic relationships. However, attraction is a part of all relationships, including those with friends, family, and romantic partners. So, the three elements, I will talk about today are physical attractiveness, similarity, and exchange. I'm sure it's not surprising that physical beauty is one of the most important elements of attraction. In his speed-dating study, Peter M. Todd found that the most important part of attraction for men was beauty, even if they said other qualities were more important. Other researchers have found that people believe that beautiful people are more intelligent, interesting, happy, and kind. Studies also show that teachers behave better toward attractive children, and mothers of beautiful babies give their babies more attention. lsn't that interesting? Another important element of attraction is easy to understand: it is similarity. This means that two people feel that they are more or less the same. In a number of different studies psychologists found that people are more likely to choose friends and partners of the same race, similar opinions. This people